The Impact of Social Media on Personal Injury Cases

Social media is a part of our daily lives. With over three billion active users across the globe, it is easier than ever to keep in contact with friends, family, and even strangers. However, when it comes to personal injury cases, social media can quickly turn from a way to stay connected to a tool that can be used against you. In this blog post, we will discuss the impact social media can have on personal injury cases and what you can do to protect yourself.

Social Media and Evidence

Social media has become the go-to place for many people to post about their daily activities, thoughts, and feelings. However, when you are involved in a personal injury case, you need to be careful about what you post. Anything you post on social media can be used as evidence by the opposing counsel to disprove your claims or minimize your pain and suffering. For example, if you claim that your injuries have left you unable to work, but you post a picture of yourself having fun at a friend’s barbecue, it can be used as evidence that you can work.

Privacy Settings and Social Media

Many social media platforms have privacy settings that allow you to control who sees your posts and information. However, it is important to remember that even if you set your account to private, the opposing counsel can still access your posts and information. They can do this by requesting access to your account or by using subpoenas if necessary. Moreover, if someone else tags you in something, it will still appear in their feed and can be accessed by the opposing counsel.

Surveillance and Social Media

Many insurance companies and their lawyers will hire private investigators to follow you and gather evidence to minimize your claim. However, with social media, this can now be done online. They can monitor your social media activity, posts, and conversations to find evidence against you. They can also use your location data to prove that you were not where you said you were at a specific time.

Protecting Yourself on Social Media

To protect yourself on social media when involved in a personal injury case, there are a few things you need to remember. Firstly, don’t post anything related to your injury or case. This includes details about your accident, your injuries, and your medical treatment. Secondly, make sure your social media accounts are set to private. Lastly, you should limit your activity on social media until your case is resolved.

In conclusion, social media can have a significant impact on personal injury cases. Any information or posts you put out there can be used by the opposing counsel to minimize your claim or disprove your injuries. Therefore, it’s essential to be careful, limit your posts, and protect your social media accounts during this kind of case. Remember, always seek the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer like Adam Miller, The Texas Bulldog.  He can help you navigate the intricate legal process involved in these cases. Call him now for a free, no-obligation case review at 713-572-3333.  You will never pay anything unless he wins or settles your case.  He doesn’t get paid unless you get paid.  Stay safe, stay protected!